Partner Terms & Conditions
Referring Partners Only
Givex Sales Staff will sell directly to the potential Customer. Givex Sales Staff will sell directly to the potential Customer. The Givex Referring Partner is eligible to become a Givex Reseller/Dealer at any time. Please contact Givex for more details on our reseller/dealer program. You, the Givex Referring Partner are entitled to 5% of the Service Fee and Set Up Fee once the following items have been completed and received at Givex Head Office: Signed Order FormSigned Merchant AgreementPayment in Full The entitlement will be paid on the following month after receipt of all required items listed above.
Referral Disputes
Since there can be more than one Referring Partner in a geographic area either representing a unique POS system or offering some other type of payment processing services using terminals it is important to resolve potential disputes as Givex will pay a referral fee to a single party only. In the case where (a) two parties have registered the same client on the Givex website and the parties offer the same solution, the party that registers the Merchant referral first will receive the referral fee; (b) two or more parties have registered the same Merchant on the Givex website and use different solutions, then the party whose overall solution gets chosen and Givex is part of that solution will be the party receiving the referral fee; (c) two or more parties have registered the same Merchant on the Givex website and the Merchant chooses a variety of solutions and does not use a solution unified across all locations, then the referral fee will be allocated based on the percentage of locations supplied by the Referring Partner out of the total locations enabled to run the Givex system; (d) a Referring Partner does not sell hardware or software or any payment processing services that Givex may need to integrate to or stand beside on a terminal to provide the Givex services to the Merchant, then the Referring Partner will only receive commission if the processing party, ISO or POS vendor that Givex must integrate to our stand beside, is not a Registered Givex Reseller or Referring Partner and has not signed a Givex Referral Agreement. Givex will use its best efforts to resolve conflicts between parties in an equitable matter but is not required to pay duplicate referral fees and is only required to pay one referral fee. In the event of a conflict, Givex will determine in the most equitable way based on the criteria stated above in the previous paragraph who will receive the referral fees and the parties agree that the Givex decision is binding on all parties in the conflict that have signed a Givex Referring Agreement.