Become a Reseller Partner

Sign up with Givex. As a Givex partner, you could immediately leverage our global integrations, installations, and professional commercial and 24/7 support team to boost more revenue. Please fill out the form below so we can learn a little more about your company.

A representative will contact you within 1-2 business days to discuss this opportunity.

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Partner Information

Please fill out the form below so we can learn a little more about your company.

Additional Information


Referrals will expire if no activity or disposition occurs within 90 days. Any disputes will be handled in accordance with our referral dispute policy.

For Referrals:

  • All merchants referred to a Givex Account Manager will be contacted within two business days.

For Leads:

  • Givex reserves the right to decline the merchant lead within five business days if already (actively pursuing/in discussions) with said merchant.
  • Should the lead be accepted, Givex will not sell directly to the Merchant, unless no progress has been made within ninety days.
  • Givex cannot prevent other dealers from selling to a merchant even if the lead has been accepted by Givex.

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